Admission Process
Greetings Students & Parents,
Welcome to our family! I am eager to get to know you and your family as we strive for a beautiful new school year and a positive educational experience. I look forward to seeing your child grow in character as well as academics. Our promise to you is that we will always promote Biblical principles, the pursuit of personal integrity, a morally sound lifestyle, as well as academic excellence.
You can expect weekly scripture readings with memory verses to be focused on in chapel and daily devotions. During these readings and times of worship we will spotlight character-building. Character-building is the backbone of our philosophy and the basis of all our policies. Our goal is to equip students for success in the calling God has placed on them; with the hope and prayer that God will raise them to positions of leadership and responsibility.
Thank you for entrusting us with your most precious belongings, your children. It is a privilege not taken lightly and we look forward to a fulfilling relationship with each of you.
God Bless you,
Kellie Stevens